Both Vermont Blend and Vermont Blend Pro provide the same level of minerals and amino acids. The main difference between the two are the addition of Probiotics in Vermont Blend Pro and the serving size.

Vermont Blend
Serving Size
4oz per 1,000lb
Digestive Support
Prebiotic is Diamond V Yeast

Vermont Blend Pro
Serving Size
2oz per 1,000lb
Digestive Support
Prebiotic is Biomos2 by Alltech; Probiotic is Yea-Sacc Extra by Alltech providing 50 billion CFU per serving. Anise is also added as a digestive aid.
Why the smaller serving size?
The serving of Vermont Blend provides just over 2oz of Diamond V Yeast. In Vermont Blend Pro, the Diamond V Yeast has been removed and replaced with two concentrated products: Biomos2 and Yea-Sacc Extra, allowing for the smaller serving size.

Fun Fact
In a two-part study conducted at Texas A&M, eight weeks of supplementing with Diamond V Yeast culture positively impacted stress and inflammatory responses in young horses following prolonged exercise. After 14 weeks of supplementation, there was a positive influence on the normal response to inflammation in joints and on cartilage turnover. Martinez R, Leatherwood J, Valigura H, et al. J Equine Vet Sci. May 2019;(76):80. Responses to an intra-articular lipopolysaccharide challenge following dietary supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in young horses.
Valigura H, Leatherwood J, Martinez R, et al. J Equine Vet Sci. May 2019;(76):48. Dietary supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product attenuates exercise-induced stress markers in young horses.